Salon of Curiosities was an exhibition of 10 oil paintings I held in the private room of the very chic Kirketon Hotel in Sydney 2000. I had the concept of transforming the space into an exotic salon, with food, flowers and a specific music soundtrack. It was a success with a stellar turnout, and most of the work sold.

The work received coverage in Belle, Sunday Telegraph, Elle, SX and Blue.

The following year I commenced work on a larger show, entitled “Heirs and Disgraces”, in which I was determined to continue this series with another 20 works and vastly improve on all I had learned.
After working on it for quite some time I abandoned it. Although the images were far more determined and complex, I began to see only faults, suddenly it seemed only thin and somehow unfelt. I probably harshly decided that people were seeing it as attempting the fantasy genre, despite all best intentions on my behalf.

So it was never to be, well- not yet anyway, but I may put up a web page of the images at some point, many of which never made it to canvas stage, but they are still lovely to look at.

You can read the essay, "Welcome to my Parlour", by NZ art writer and critic Tessa Laird here.

Click on any of the imges for an enlarged quality view.

Pansy Girl, Oil on Canvas, 2000, collection TC Green

Anemone Boy, Oil on Canvas, 2000

Chinoisserie Bleu, Oil on Canvas, 2000, Collection Wallace Gorrell

Rose Girl, Oil on Canvas, 2000 Collection Jonathan Batten

Chinoisserie Rouge, Oil on Canvas, 2000, Collection Christine Ware

Fractal Boy, Oil on Canvas, 2000, collection Tessa Laird

Pearl Girl, Oil on Canvas, 2000, Collection Robert Rosen

North Witch, Oil on Canvas, 2000

Blair Witch, Oil on Canvas, 2000 , Collection Christine Ware

Missy Droid, Oil on Canvas, 2000, Collection Caitlin Smith